Today: 15 Min AMRAP 10 DB Push press 10 DB box Step ups 3x Shuttle Run
Kinetic Bootcamp
Tues, Feb 14th
Today: 9 minutes max or 2 Rounds 50 Squats 40 Sit-ups 30 Ring Rows Then: AMRAP in 8 Row 15 Calories 15 Push-ups
Mon, Feb 13th
Today: Skill: Kettle bell snatch then Part 1. 3 rounds 10 Kb snatch each arm 10 Push -ups Part 2. 15 Goblet squats 30 MTN climbers
Friday, FEB 10th
Today: 5 Rounds Run 200m 30 Jumping Jacks 15 Wall Balls
Thursday, Feb 9th
Today: 3 min AMRAP of : 10 Jumping lunges 10 Push-ups rest 1 min 3 Min AMRAP of : 30 MTN Climbers 10 KB Swings (53,35) Rest 1 min 3 Min AMRAP of : Burpees
Weds, Feb 8th
Today: 4 rounds Run 1 lap 15 ground to overhead with a plate (45, 25) 10 KB deadlifts (70, 53)
Tues, Feb 7th
Today: Amrap in 12 minutes 15 Dumbell Thrusters (20, 15) 20 Overhead walking lunges with a plate (25, 15) 3 Burpees
Monday, FEB 6th
Today: 5 rounds 10 Burpees 20 Jumping Pull-ups
Friday, Feb 3rd
Today: AMRAP in 12 minutes 3x shuttle run (down and back 3 times) *touch the ground when you turn around 30 MTN Climbers 30 Crunches
Thursday, Feb 2nd
Today: Part I: 5 rounds for time: 15 jumping pull-ups 8 burpees Part II: Tabata sit-ups/V-ups