Dan Broughton

Thursday, June 23rd

Conditioning: Tabata (20s on 10s off for 4 minutes) 0-4: DB Burpee Deadlift 35/20 4-8: DB Push Press 35/20 8-12: DB Hang Squat Cleans 35/20 Today’s workout will be 3 back to back DB tabatas with a relatively lighter weight… Read more »

Tuesday, June 21st

Strength: Front Squat 5×4 at 70%, 75%, 80%, 83%, 85% Rest 2 min Strength – limiting our rest to 2 minutes today for the front squats with specific percentages. Conditioning: Isabel For Time: 30 Power Snatches 135/95 Workout – benchmark… Read more »

Monday, June 20th

Strength: 4 Supersets: Bench press 6-8 reps at 70% 1RM DB Z Press 6-8 reps Rest 90s Strength – We’re going to be supersetting a front plane pressing movement (bench press) with an overhead pressing movement (z-press). Let’s really focus… Read more »

Saturday, June 18th

Conditioning: Father’s Day WOD: “The Dad Bod” AMRAP 24 – Teams of 2 5 DB Push Press 40/25 10 DB Deadlifts 40/25 15 air squats 20 stationary lunges 100′ Offset Farmer Carry 40/25 (one DB on shoulder, one at side)… Read more »

Friday, June 17th

Strength: Back Squat – Every 90s for 8 rounds (12 min) 3 Back Squats, building from 70-80% Strength – controlling the pace with this weeks squats by performing them every 90s for 12 minutes (8 rounds). We’re going to start… Read more »

Wednesday, June 15th

Strength: Tempo Deadlift at 50-60% 1RM E2MOM for 10 5 Deadlifts w/ 5 second negative For today’s deadlifts, we’re going to focus on the eccentric, or lowering portion. Too often when cycling the deadlift we relax at the top and… Read more »