Dan Broughton

Memorial Day

  Just a reminder for Monday: I encourage all of you to come do “White” with the CrossFit ladies at 9 am. I’ll post the bootcamp version of it on Sunday night so you know what to expect. It’ll be… Read more »


I don’t know if all of you saw the Facebook post, but Betsy Broughton ran for the first time in over 25 years since she quit smoking in July. She came for the last running WOD we had and KILLED… Read more »

Bring on the Heat

Looks like the weather is finally starting to cooperate!! (knock on wood) We’ll be doing more and more WODs outside, as much as we can down on the track. Make sure you all are bringing plenty of water so you… Read more »


Thank you to everyone who brought friends out to BAFD!!! Remember, you can bring a friend at any time to any class. Anyone can come to a free intro class. So tell your friends! Tell your mom! Spread the word… Read more »

Izumi Tabata

You’ve all had the pleasure of experiencing a “tabata” WOD when we did it last month. As I told many of you, it was named after a Japanese man who studied anaerobic and aerobic training techniques that were high intensity… Read more »

Rest Day

AWESOME job this week everyone! I was super impressed with all the hard work you guys put in. Since we had several intense WODs this week, take today to rest and recoup. Rest is just as important as working out, to… Read more »

“Final” BAFD!!

Today is the last day of Bring a Friend Week! Although this is the last “official” day, remember that you can always bring people to try it out and hopefully join. I’m sure you all have friends and/or family that… Read more »

BAFD #2!

Today marks the 2nd bring a friend day!! A few of you have brought friends already, but I expect more! Keep um comin 🙂 The track miiiight be done by class time tomorrow. If so, we’ll incorporate running into the… Read more »

Spread the Love

Thank you to all of those who have brought friends so far this week! I hope they’ve all enjoyed it and are interested in coming back! If you haven’t brought any friends yet, you still have the chance on Thursday… Read more »