Dan Broughton

Rain Rain Go Away!!

It looks like this week is going to be a pretty wet one! We’ll keep the morning classes inside and we’ll try to hold the afternoon classes inside as well if we can find enough space. If not, we’ll be… Read more »


5th place finish this weekend!! For our first year at Regionals, that’s not too shabby. Thanks to everyone for your support throughout the weekend! Today we’ll be doing a type of WOD we haven’t done yet.. a ladder! For these… Read more »

It’s the Little Things

  After doing “White” last weekend, Sara was determined to get her rope climbs down.. today she did! Congrats Sara ๐Ÿ™‚ This is just one example of how the little successes and accomplishments can mean the most. It’s the baby… Read more »

Weekend Event Update

It’s fundraising time!! This weekend, June 1st & 2nd, our gym is hosting a fundraising event for our CFW Regional Competition team. EVERYONE is invited, including your friends and family! We will be holding it out on the track from… Read more »

Pig Roast Fundraiser!

Special thanks to the people who came out on Saturday morning to do White!! I hope you liked it and aren’t too sore ๐Ÿ™‚ Your support for our fallen soldiers is much appreciated. This week I’ll be reminding you all… Read more »

Hero WOD Weekend

I’m assuming most of you have Monday off from work and/or school, so pleeease join the gym in remembering the fallen soldier, White. All the CFW ladies will be doing this WOD at 9 am. Once again, I’ll post the… Read more »