Today: AMRAP 20 Minutes with a partner Complete Full Round then switch 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups 10 Box Jump Overs (30,24) 15 Front Squats (135,95)
Saturday, April 15th

Today: AMRAP 20 Minutes with a partner Complete Full Round then switch 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups 10 Box Jump Overs (30,24) 15 Front Squats (135,95)
Today: AMRAP in 12 5 KB front squats 2x shuttle run 30 Mountain climbers
Memorial Day Murph is coming up on May 29th. That’s a Monday. Murph is a CrossFit tradition done on this day to honor Fallen Navy SEAL Michael Murphy. We will kick off this years MDM at 9am. Murph can be… Read more »
Today: AMRAP in 20 Mins Run 200m 40 Jump Ropes 12 Heav(ier) KB SDHP
Strength: Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 METCON: For time: 15 Power Snatches (135,95) 15 Squat Snatches (135,95)
Today: Perfect squat technique work Then: AMRAP in 15 15 Squats 10 Push-ups 5 Ring Rows
Hey everyone, it’s come to my attention that there have become a lot of safety concerns what with the little ones running around the floor while the class is going on. This isn’t just dangerous for the kids who may get… Read more »
Today: 5 rounds for time: 30 mountain climbers 20 Knees to elbow 15 KB Swings
Today: Clean and Jerk 1RM METCON: 2 Rounds for time of: 50 Double-unders 40 Wallball Shots 3 Clean & Jerks (225,155)
Today: 3 Rounds for time Run 400m 30 Wall balls