Wednesday, February 14th
For Time: 30 min cap 30 Deadlift 185/135 l 155/105 l 115/85 50 Med Ball Cleans 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6 10 Rope Climbs | 30 Rope Pulls | Bodyweight inverted row on barbell 50 medballs cleans 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6 1000/900m Row 30 Deadlift 185/135 l 155/105 l 115/85
Each movement today should be a rep range thats outside of our comfort zone. Lets try and complete the movements in 2-4 sets, with rope climbs being slow and steady to finish all 10. Time cap is large to accomodate the rope climbs.