Monday, January 29
Strength: 2×5 Push Press @ 75%2×3 Push Jerk @ 85-90%2×1 Split Jerk @ 100%
NOTE – all percentages are based off our 1RM PUSH PRESS, so we should not exceed the maximum of our push press when we are split jerking.
5 Pull Ups | Assisted PU | Ring Row
5 Box Jumps 30″/24″ | 24″/20″ | Step Ups
5 Clean and Jerks *Ladder Style, starting weight 95/65*
NOTE – Every completed round add 20/10lbs
to the clean and jerks. Rx weights will
be as follows:
95/65 > 115/75 > 135/85 > 155/95 >
175/105 > 195/115
For Rx women, if weight is too easy
they can make a 20lb jump every
other round.