Thursday, January 18th

Handstand work Beginner – complete 15 wall kick ups with good form and 10 wall walks Intermediate – Complete 5 30s wall facing HS holds and 5 wall facing holds alternating pulling one foot off at a time to feel balance shift Advanced – Perform 4 sets of 10 shoulder taps followed by 4 sets of 10 hip taps Rx – AMFAP (As many feet as possible) Handstand walk in 10 minutes.
Spend no more than 15 minutes working on the progressions listed above.
DT-ish – 16 min cap 5 Rounds: 12 Deadlift 155/105 | 135/95 | 95/65 9 H. Power Clean 155/105 | 135/95 | 95/65 6 S2O 155/105 | 135/95 | 95/65 60s rest after each round
We’re going to be taking DT for another spin, except adding a 60s rest after each round. Because of this, lets try to push the reps a little higher than normal, or even go unbroken if possible to increase our speed per round.