Wednesday, January 17th

Dirty 30 (30 min cap) For Time: 30 Box Jumps 30/24 | 24/20 | step ups 30 C2B Pull Ups | pull ups | assisted or ring rows 30 KBS 70/53 | 53/35 | 35/26 30 Front Squats 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55 30 TTB | K2E | Knee Raise 30 Push Press 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55 30 Back Squats 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55 30 Wall Balls 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6 30 Burpees 30 DU/60SU

This is a harder version of Filthy Fifty. Scale accordingly but we’re looking to be able to complete each movement in 3-4 sets.