Thursday, September 14th


4 supersets of:
Max Effort Wide Grip Strict Pull Up
Alt DB Bicep Curl – 16-20 reps
Rest 2 minutes

Note: we’ll be combining two movements to really focus on whether we’re using our lats or not on the pull ups. If we fatigue our biceps on the curls and then immediately struggle on our pull ups it means we’re likely using too much arms and not enough lats. Think elbows down, not pull up. For those that are using bands, mark where you set your j-hooks and what bands you will use – this will be your set up for the rest of the cycle.


12 KB Swings 53/35
9 Overhead Squats 95/65 | 75/55 | 45/35
6 Burpee To 6″ Target
3 Strict HSPU | 1-2 mats | Z-Press

Workout – smaller rep schemes to have the entire workout be intended to stay unbroken.