Tuesday, April 18th

Strict Pull Up EMOM 8: Every minute 4-8 reps

Strength – 8 minute emom with a rep range for the pull ups today. With the minimal rest, we want to start at the higher end (8) with the expectation that reps will drop as the fatigue sets in. If you are great at pull ups, okay too add weight to the earlier sets.

Fight Gone Bad Style (19 minutes) 5 Rounds Minute 1: Max Hang Power Snatch 75/55 | 45/35 | Alt Light DB Minute 2: Max Bike Calories Minute 3: Max Box Jumps 24″/20″ | Step Ups | Shorter box step ups Minute 4: Rest

Workout – fight gone bad style where we’ll push for max reps on 3 movements for 3 minutes before we get to rest briefly. Stagger starting positions so we do not have to sub a row in for the bike.