Tuesday, October 4th
Strength: Deficit HSPU Negatives 4″/3″, 4×6 OR HSPU negatives 4×6 OR Deficit Pike Push Ups 4″/3″ 4×6 OR Dumbbell Z Press w/ 3 second negative 4×6 Rest 60-90s
Our Skill today is going to be working on increasing our range of motion. 4 Options listed, all require a 3 second negative, kick off the wall or quickly reset to the top each rep (should not press from bottom except for Z-Press). Pike push ups should be done with hand on plates, feet on ground, NOT on the box today.
Conditioning: AMRAP Repeats: 5 rounds AMRAP 2: rest 60s 10 KB Swings 53/35 10 Hang Power Cleans 115/85 10 Burpees 10 Shoulder to Overhead 115/85
Workout – we’re going to be doing 5 total 2 minute AMRAPs, taking 60s rest between rounds (total of 14 minutes). Because of the rest, we should be really pushing our pace during the 2 minutes of work and get at least one full round in each AMRAP. Resume each AMRAP where you left off, score will be total rounds and reps at the end of the workout.