Friday, September 29th

Gymnastic Strength: Handstand Push Up Complex: 3 sets of: Max Strict HSPU into Max Kipping HSPU into Max Handstand Hold Rest 2 minutes Scale: 3 Supersets of: Max Pike Push Ups into Max DB Z-Press (moderate weight) into Max DB Z-Press Holds Rest 2 minutes

Skill: Week 3 of this complex (week 2 done on 9/13), shooting for increased reps overall. Use the same weight if you’re scaling as the previous week! We’re going to be performing a HSPU complex today, to be done with no more than 1 mat. You will perform a max set of strict HSPU or pike push ups, then immediately (without coming off wall) go into a max set of kipping HSPU/Z-Press, immediately into a max hold at the top.

For Time, 12 min cap 1500m Row *Evey minute, starting at 0:00, perform 2 muscle ups or 2 Chest To Bar Pull Ups + 2 Dips*

Workout – we’re going to be going until we accumulate 1500m on the rower, however every minute we’ll have to quickly hop off and perform our muscle ups or pull up/dip combo. Looking for sub 10 minutes here, transitions will be key to maximize time on the rower. ***For those that have but are not proficient on MUs, scale to one rep to start and then switch to the scale***