Wednesday, February 16th

Strength: In 20 minutes build to a heavy 3RM Front Squat w/ 1 second pause

Strength: With a running clock, we will build to a heavy 3 rep pause front squat. We’re looking for tight bracing, full depth, and not bouncing out of the pocket after the 1 second pause. For anyone that hits their heavy well before the 20 minutes, drop and perform 2-3 more sets at 90% of max weight achieved.

Conditioning: 21-15-9 reps, for time of: Deadlift, 275/185 lbs Box Jump, 30/24 in

Workout – We have a combination of heavy deadlifts and tall box jumps today. We’re looking for a weight on the bar that we could perform the 21 in 2-3 sets when fresh, however quick singles in the workout can be an option.