Saturday, December 5th

Conditioning: AMRAP Repeats (3 times each)

AMRAP #1: In 3 minutes, perform 20/15 cal bike buy in, max rep wall balls in remainder. Repeat every 3 minutes for 9 total minutes. Rest 3 minutes.

AMRAP #2: In 3 minutes, perform 25/20 cal row buy in, max rep KB Swings 53/35 in remainder. Repeat every 3 minutes for 9 total minutes. Rest 3 minutes.

AMRAP #3: In 3 minutes, perform 400m run (scale if cannot maintain a 8:00/mile pace, or finish in 2 minutes), max rep dual DB Push Press 40/25 in remainder.

Classes will be broken up so that 4 people will be doing each AMRAP, switch after rest period.