Mon, Feb 20th

Friday Night Lights!
To those of you who signed up to participate in the CFW Open this year – Congratulations! Our completion will mirror the Crossfit Open and will be conducted over the next five weeks beginning this Friday, February 24. Your willingness to show up and compete over the next five weeks is awesome and part of what makes our community so great!
We want to make sure this event is both competitive and fun for everyone….athletes, coaches, judges and the rest of our CFW community. To that end here is some information on how the Open will work and what is expected of all athletes.
General Timeline**:
- 4:30 PM Last scheduled Crossfit class of the day (KBC will proceed as scheduled)
- 5:30 PM Event Set Up/ Athlete Warm Up
- 6:00 PM Roll call for ALL athletes
- 6:15 PM Heat 1 (Kids)….followed by scaled, masters and RX (the order after Kids will rotate every week to be fair)
** The duration and number of heats will vary each week depending on the WOD announcement. In order to quickly and efficiently move through the heats, we will have heat assignments (to include judge assignments) posted throughout gym when you arrive. Ten minutes will be given between each heat to breakdown/set up any equipment.
Athlete Expectations:
- Division assignments are permanent. You were assigned to the division (Rx, Scaled) based on your preference and coach determination of your capability. The division you compete in for 17.1 will carry through the entire competition. There will be no switching divisions. The division rosters will be available all week for you to check.
- Arrive early. The earlier you arrive, the more time you will have to warm up and review your heat and judging assignments. All athletes must be present for the SINGLE athlete brief at 6:00 PM sharp.
- Be prepared to judge. You will be assigned to judge/count for an athlete prior to showing up- this will be included in the heat assignments. You will not have to judge the heat right before your own and we will do our best to accommodate those athletes that have family members competing (although there may be some overlap).
- If you are signed up for the official Crossfit Open and believe you have are competitive for Regionals or the Masters Qualifier, please let us know ASAP so that we can ensure you have a certified judge. Individual athletes are responsible for arranging to have their WODs filmed IAW the Official Crossfit Games Rule Book. If you are a certified judge- please let us know ASAP J
- If you are unable to make a Friday night event, please let Coach Steve or Rick know (FaceBook message is fine) as early as possible. You will be responsible for making up the WOD, finding a willing judge, and turning in your scores. Aligned with the official Crossfit Open, the deadline to complete the WOD is 8:00 PM each Monday.
- WODS will be announced on Thursday evenings. Make sure you know the WOD. You can watch the live announcement on Thursday’s at 8:00 PM or look it up on http://games.crossfit.com/
- Announcements will include versions for each division: RX, Scaled, Teen and Master. These will be the versions used each Friday for each division. If you are unable to perform a movement you cannot scale further. This is a great opportunity to challenge yourself and get that first pull up, first muscle up, or first handstand push up.
- Breaking down and setting up equipment will be the responsibility of the athletes competing. The judges and coaches will have the first heat set up but after that is the athlete’s job just like in regular class.
- HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!
Back Squat 1Rm
150 wall balls for time