Push it!

julieSee the picture above?  That’s Julie getting some air, recovering from a workout.  She always pushes herself, no matter what the workout is.  Intensity starts from within.  No one can push you out of your comfort zone besides yourself.  If you don’t push yourself out of that comfortable bubble we all live in, you’ll never change, and you’ll never reach your goals.  You should never leave the gym saying, “that wasn’t very hard.”  I can give you the easiest workout ever written, but if you dig from within, and push your limits, ANY workout can be extremely challenging.  I give you the workouts.  I write them for you.  I encourage you when they’re going on.  But…what you do with what I give you is up to you.

30 January 2014

AMRAP in 15

10 KB deadlifts

15 DB thrusters

20 mountain climbers