Friday, December 15th

***Dont forget to join us for mobilize and socialize at 5pm!***

HSPU – perform one max effort set, then EMOM 5 at 40-50% of reps achieved.

HSPU – scaling down to 1-2 mats, these are kipping and should produce significant volume in a short period. Scaling can go to pike push ups or a heavy z-press.

AMRAP 5 (3 times) 7 Pull Ups | banded | ring rows 9 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 11 Goblet Squats 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 Rest 2 minutes, repeat 3 times

Pacing work – goal is to match rounds /reps across all 3 rounds. Do not come out too fast, but do not sandbag