Wednesday, November 29th

4 Sets of:
15 Weighted Ab Mat Sit Ups (25lb/15lb) into max strict HSPU.
Rest 2:00

Sit ups are performed with a plate held over your head, try to drive through your arms at the top of the rep. Scale the HSPU to 1-2 mats or a heavy z-press that we can get at least 5-10 reps with. We should really feel our abs here on the HSPU or z-press.

8 Single Arm DB Hang C&J 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 (right arm)
8 Single Arm DB Hang C&J 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 (left arm)
12 TTB | K2E | Knee Raise
200m run

Grip intensive workout with an
emphasis on shoulder fatigue.
Make sure you caution against going
near failure during the workout,
break up into smaller sets if needed.