Tuesday, November 14th

Bench Press 5×3 at 33X1 tempo (3 sec negative, 3 sec pause bottom, explode up, 1 sec pause top) Building from 70%

Strength – do not relax at the bottom of your rep, stay engaged for the full 3 seconds and don’t ‘bounce’ to create momentum after.

Inverse Pacing Work 3 Rounds 250/225m row 12 Burpee over rower Rest 30s 12 Burpee over rower Row 250/225m Rest 2 min

On the inverse pacing – The row speed should be a pace that we can hit both fresh (part 1) as well as gassed (part 2). We want to think of the workout as a whole instead of coming out too fast. Score is all 3 round times (2:45/2:54/2:58)