Saturday, November 11th

n teams of 2: AMRAP 8 Run 2x200m (one sprints, one rests) AMRAP Deadlift @ 275/205 | 225/155 | 185/135 Rest 3 minutes AMRAP 8 Run 2x200m (one sprints, one rests) AMRAP Power Clean @ 185/135 | 135/95 | 95/65 Rest 3 minutes AMRAP 8 Run 2x200m (one sprints, one rests) AMRAP Overhead Squats 135/95 | 95/65 | 75/55

Score will be reps on the three barbell movements. We should be have a moderately heavy weight on the barbell today, so scales are recommended but can split the weights if desired. We should be complete the 4 runs (each partner will run twice per AMRAP) in under 4-5 minutes each round.