Tuesday, November 7th

Strict Pull Ups Retest (compare to 9/8) 1 Max Effort set, then 3 sets of 50-60% of that number

Pull Ups – For those that have strict, perform a max set then 3 sets of 50-60% of that number, resting about 90s. For those that are using bands, mark where you set your j-hooks and what bands you will use – this will be your set up for the rest of the cycle. We want to get at least 8-10 for our max set if we’re scaling.

For Time: 15 min cap 1000/900m Row 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65 15 Bar muscle up | 30 C2B Pull Ups | 15 Ring Rows + Dips

Workout – we’ll be sandwiching “Grace” between two additional pulling movements, so watch out for grip fatigue. MU will scale to 2:1 chest-to bar (assisted or not) before ring rows and