Tuesday, October 24th

Power Snatch Cycling – 5 sets of 3 touch and go Rest 90s

Weightlifting – reps must be touch and go today, start around 60% of 1RM snatch and build over your 5 sets.

For Time: 14 min cap 25/20 Calorie Row 10 Power Snatches 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65 20/15 Cal Bike 10 Power Snatches 135/95 25/20 Calorie Row 10 Clean and Jerks 135/95 20/15 Cal Bike 10 Clean and Jerks 135/95

Workout – weight should be the same for the entire workout, so the snatch will limit what we can put on the bar. Weight should be moderately heavy, something that we will most likely perform singles throughout the movement. Large classes can switch the order or bike and row, but everyone should perform both if possible, and not just row.