Thursday, October 19th

4 Supersets of:
8 Push Press at 60%
Max Rep Push Ups
Rest 2 minutes

Note: push press should be a weight that we won’t fail and ideally will be touch and go the whole time. Immediately after finishing, drop the bar and perform a max effort set of push ups. If scaling, we want to get at least 10 reps each set of however we scale our push ups.


4RFT (15 min cap)
5 Power Cleans 155/105 | 135/95 | 115/85
5 Front Squats 155/105 | 135/95 | 115/85
5 Push Jerks 155/105 | 135/95 | 115/85
50 DU/100 SU

Note: Moderately heavy barbell today, but should be something we can do the squats and the jerks unbroken on, opting for quicker singles on the cleans.