Wednesday, October 18th

Uneven KB Complex: Complete 3 rounds for quality 5 Single KB Deadlift (KB outside legs) 5 Single KB Hang Power Clean 5 Single KB Push Press 5 Single Front Rack Lunges (backwards) (must complete all reps with one arm/leg without dropping before switching sides to complete 1 full round)

We’ll be using some KB skill work today for our strength. Try and build over the 3 sets, but must perform all 20 reps on one side (wihtout putting KB down) then 20 reps on the other side for one full set.

We’ll be using some KB skill work today for our strength. Try and build over the 3 sets, but must perform all 20 reps on one side (wihtout putting KB down) then 20 reps on the other side for one full set.

Workout – small rep scheme for these respective movements, so lets try and keep a steady pace. Snatch weight should be moderately heavy, something we can do quick singles throughout.