Tuesday, October 10th

For Time: 30 min cap 1000m/900m Row 30 Dual Russian KB Swings 53/35 | 35/26 | 26/18 30 Chest-To-Bar Pull Ups | Pull Ups | Ring Rows 30 Dual KB Hang Clean and Jerks 53/35 |35/26 | 26/18 30 Pull Ups | Assisted PU | Ring Rows 2000m/1800m Bike

Workout – we have a longer chipper today. Large classes can switch the bike/row or stagger so that everyone does a row and a bike. Weight on KB should be moderately heavy, something we can do at least 5s on with quick sets to get through. Scaling our PU, the first 30 should be something harder than the second 30, so if we’re using bands lets ensure we’re doing chest to bar and then regular pull ups, or we use less bands on the first set. *** This time cap should be easily attainable but is there for class management ***