Monday, October 9th

Bench Press – 3×3 at 80-85%, then 2 drop sets of max reps at 60% and 40%

Bench – 3 moderate to heavy triples, with the third triple having a drop set of max reps at two fairly light %, so lets try and push the reps here.

AMRAP 3: 20 Bar Facing Burpees Max Rep Front Squat in remaining time at 135/95 | 115/85 | 95/65 Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 3: 20 Bar Facing Burpees Max Rep Front Squat in remaining time at 115/85 | 95/65 | 75/55 Rest 2 minutes AMRAP 3: 20 Bar Facing Burpees Max Rep Front Squat in remaining time at 95/65 | 75/55 | 45/35