Wednesday, October 4th

Jumping Pull Up To Negative – 4×5 Rest 90s

Strength – we’ll jump into our pull ups today so focus all of our strength to performing the slowest smoothest negative. If proficient, add a heavy weight to increase the challenge. If scaling, lets set up bands that are harder than our normal variation and really focus on trying to get at least 5 seconds on the negative.

For Time: 14 min cap 200m run 15 Dual DB Devil’s Press 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 200m run 12 Devil’s Press 200m run 9 Devil’s Press 200m run 6 Devil’s Press 200m run 3 Devil’s Press

Workout – the devil’s press will be two DBs today, so scale accordingly as these can be heavy. Ensure we’re popping up from our burpee into a more upright squat before starting our swing into the snatch so that we don’t load our back in a compromised position.