Tuesday, October 3rd

Push Press + Push Jerk – 5/3/1 at 75%, 85%, 95% Rest 2.5 minutes between sets (after the jerks)

Today’s strength will be 5 push press at 75% of 1RM push press – rack and reset, then 5 push jerks at the same weight. As we fatigue, we should really focus on switching to driving down into the quarter squat to get the second set done. Try to rest as little as possible between the PP and PJ, but take a good 2.5 minutes after the jerks to recover.

Ascending AMRAP 12 10 DU | 20 SU 1 Clean and Jerk 155/105 | 135/95 | 95/65 20 DU | 40 SU 2 C&J 30 DU | 60 SU 3 C&J Add 10/20 DU/SU and 1 C&J each round.

Workout – looking for a weight that we can do quick singles on the C&Js throughout.