Thursday, August 24th

4 Supersets: A) 10 Goblet Cyclist Squats B) 16 Dual DB Front Rack Deficit Reverse Lunges rest 90s

Strength – cyclist squats will be performed with heels elevated on a 15lb plate, feet close together and toes forward. The elevated heels will allow us to squat deeper and target the quads/gutes more. Lunges we will stand on the plate and step backwards, dropping our knee to the ground and then driving up with our glutes. 8/side.

Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 rounds) 18/12 Cal Bike 15 Dual DB Front Squats 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 **Large classes can sub in a 25/20 calorie row, but should only cycle that in as needed as the leg drive on the bike is the intended stimulus**