Wednesday, August 23rd

DT 5 RFT 12 Deadlifts 155/105 | 135/95 | 95/65 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Shoulder-to-Overheads

We’ll be testing DT after the weightlifting cycle, so we’re going to be performing this fresh with no strength. Weight on the bar should be something that we can do 9 hang power cleans or 6 shoulder to overheads unbroken when fresh even though we may break them up early for the WOD.

3 supersets: 20 Alternating DB Bicep Curls 15 Bent Over DB Rows Rest 60-90s

Accessory: Use the same weight for both movements, so the rows should feel somewhat light but our grip will fatigue quickly after DT and the curls.