Tuesday, August 22nd

Bench Press – 1RM in 20 minutes

Bench Press – we’ll run a 20 minute clock to find a heavy for the day to use for percentages. We’ll need to move with a purpose to have enough time for the workout as well. If finishing bench early, drop and perform 1-2 sets of 5 at 80% of your heavy.

For time: 16 min cap 50 Wall Balls 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6 30 TTB | Knees-to-elbows | knee raise or lying leg raise 50/40 Cal Row 30 TTB | K2E | knee raise 50 Wall Balls

Workout – a chipper in which our efficiency on the TTB will determine if we will finish in time cap. If working on improving TTB, okay to drop the reps to something more manageable instead of just scaling entirely.