Thursday, August 10th

Strength: Incline Barbell Bench Press + DB Push Ups
15 minutes to complete: 10/8/6/4/2 Incline barbell bench and dumbbell push ups

Note: we’ll set up one end of the bench on a 12″ box or stacked on a few plates to create about a 30 degree incline. We expect to go up in weight as the reps decrease, however the plank will add extra fatigue so not all sets have to increase weight.


Ascending AMRAP 10
1 Deadlift 225/155 | 185/135 | 135/95
1 Pull Up | Assisted Pull Up | Ring Row

Note: This ascending AMRAP will start out moving really fast and “easy”, but we except to spike the heart rate and tax the grip with this one as the reps increase.