Wednesday, August 9th

For time: 30 min cap 30-20-10 of Kettlebell Swings 53/35 | 35/26 | 26/18 Ab Mat Sit Ups (no arms) | Arms | crunches Run 400m 30-20-10 Dual DB Walking Lunges (any carry) 40/30 | 30/20 | 20/10 Dual DB Hang Power Cleans 40/30 | 30/20 | 20/10 Run 400m 30-20-10 Dual DB Push Press 40/30 | 30/20 | 20/10 Hanging Knee Raise Run 400m

Longer workout today in which we have 3 mini workouts with a 400m run at the end of each. The movements were selected to tax the grip, so scale accordingly! T reat the run as your recovery so that you can push the pace inside on the workouts.