Thursday, August 3rd

Strength: Front Rack Barbell Box Step Ups 4×12 (6/leg) Cossack Squats – 4×12 (6/leg), add weight if possible Rest 2 minutes

Front Rack Step Ups – we’ve done these in the last cycle, so remember that these will add a significant amount of core element into the movement, so keep a tight brace and move slowly with purpose. Cossack Squats – lets work on depth and control first, then add weight held in a goblet style as we move proficiently.

5RFT – 12 minute cap 200m Run 15 Wall Balls 20/14 | 14/10 | 10/6

Workout – these rounds should be short and sweet, with a moderate pace on the run and unbroken or 2 quick sets on the wall balls.