Thursday, July 27th

Gymnastic Strength/Skill: 4 supersets of max reps of: A) Ring Pull Ups | Feet Elevated Ring Rows | Banded Pull Ups B) Wall Facing Strict HSPU | Strict HSPU Negatives (0-2 mats) | Tempo Z Press @ 31X1 tempo Rest 2 minutes

Our strength today will be on higher skill/strength gymnastic work. We have 3 options today, so lets try and push ourselves outside what we normally do for strength or workouts. For The HSPU negatives, try and control 5 seconds down, once the head hits the mat, roll out and immediately kick back to the wall and start another rep. ***if performing ring rows in strength, scale down as these reps should be faster and easier than the strength side***

For Time: 12 minute cap 21/15/9 Feet Elevated Ring Rows | Ring Rows | Inverted Row on barbell Strict Ring Dips | Kipping or banded | bench dips