Thursday, July 20th

Strength: Pressing 4 Supersets of: Close Grip Bench Press – 8-10 reps DB Floor Press – 8-10 reps Rest 2 min

Strength: Close Grip Bench Press should have our hands inside our shoulder width, so find whats comfortable in that range. Set up just like your normal bench press (shoulders pinched, back driven into bench, ect) but will target the triceps more than the chest. Immediately after we’ll be performing a floor press with DBs. Try to rest briefly at the bottom of each rep to take any bounce away.

AMRAP 12 40 DU / 80 SU 20 Hand Release Push Ups | Knee HRPU | Assisted push up 10 TTB | K2E | Knee raise or leg raise

Workout – quick burner with the brunt of our time taking on the HRPU. SHake it out and perform smaller, quicker sets.