Wednesday, July 12th

10 Rounds for time ( 30 min cap ) 5 Strict Pull Ups | Harder Banded Strict PU | Ring Rows 10 HSPU | 1-2 mats | hand release push ups 200m run

Simple, longer workout balancing cardio with upper and lower body strict strength. If we’re using bands for the PU, lets make the assistance minimal to really work for the reps, even if we have to take one quick break. ***IF YOU CANNOT DO 10 HSPU UNBROKEN WHEN FRESH, SCALE NUMBER DOWN TO WHAT YOU CAN DO UNBROKEN WHEN FRESH!*** HSPU will scale down to HRPU for speed and efficiency rather than Z-Press.

3 sets of max hanging knee raise holds3 sets of max hanging knee raise holds

Hanging Knee Raise holds – knees should be above parallel for as long as possible, but if we struggle here, raise them as high as possible and hold that position as long as possible.