Wednesday, July 5th

Clean Grip Deadlift: 4×5 at 90-110% of our clean

“Clean grip deadlift – this is so much more than just a double overhand grip. Lets focus on keeping the knuckles down and elbows externally rotated, a quad dominant first pull without shooting our hips up, and staying over the bar longer than we would for a conventional deadlift.

Grippy Cardio (15 min total) AMRAP 3 Row 500/450m Max Rep Toes To Bar in remaining time Rest 60s AMRAP 3 Run 400m Max Rep Power Cleans 185/135 in remaining time rest 60s AMRAP 3 Row 500/450m Max TTB rest 60s AMRAP 3 Run 400m Max Rep Power Clean

Workout – 4 total 3 minute AMRAPs in which we have to perform ~ 2 minutes of cardio before we get 45 to 60 seconds of work on the rig or the bar. Weight on the barbell should be moderately heavy, something that we can do quick singles for the entire time. Score is total reps added together on the 4 rounds.”