Friday, June 30th

Snatch Accessory: 5 sets 3 Behind the neck snatch grip push jerks 3 Snatch Balance Build from 50% of 1RM snatch Rest 90s

Weightlifting – these are the same movements with a difference catch in the height of our bodies. First 3 reps will be a dip, drive, and press driving us down into a quarter squat, where the next 3 reps is the same but driving us all the way down into our squat. Lets build weight as we get comfortable, with our end goal being between 70-80% of our 1RM snatch.

3RFT – 15 min cap 500/400m Row 21 Single DB Box Step Overs 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 12 Dual DB Front Squats 50/35 | 35/25 | 25/15 *Box height rX is 24″/20″*

Workout – well only be using one DB on the step overs, but two for the front squats.