Friday, June 9th

Snatch complex: 15 minutes 5 sets for quality @ 70-80% 2 Snatch Pulls 1 Squat Snatch

Weightlifting – we will have 5 minutes to get to ~70% of our 1RM snatch before performing 5 sets of 2 snatch pulls and one full snatch. Limit your rest to under 2 minutes as the percentages are lower. Keep those arms relaxed on the pulls, build the confidence and then stay relaxed and explosive on the full snatch. Okay to reset hips, but we should not be letting go of the bar today.

5 Rounds for Time: 15 min cap 250m/200m row 15 Overhead Squats 75/55 | 45/35 | Front Squats

Workout – a riff on nancy (had to sub in row due to air quality) where we dropped the weight and cut the run in half. Because of this, we should be moving unbroken and quickly throughout the whole 5 rounds.