Thursday, May 25th

Strength: Box Squats + Walking Lunge In 15 minutes build to a heavy triple back rack box squat. ***Must Complete 20 walking lunges (body weight) after each set***

Strength – Focusing on a box squat today, taking away all momentum as we are forced to stand back up. Reminder, we are not sitting down and relaxing at the bottom! Stay engaged, set the box/bench to just above your lowest squat position. After each set perform 20 walking body weight lunges.

4RFT (10 min cap) 10 DB Thrusters 40/30 | 30/20 | 20/10 100m run 10 DB Reverse Lunge 40/30 | 30/20 | 20/10 100m run

Workout – Weight is a little lighter, movements should be able to be completed unbroken. Any carry is okay for the reverse lunges.