Wednesday, May 17th

Weightlifting: Jerk Conditioning: E2MOM for 10 (5 rounds) 2-3 Jerks (push or split) at 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%

Strength – jerk conditioning with athletes choice on push or split jerks. First sets shouldn’t be taxing, but later sets will get difficult. Shoot for 3 reps on all 5 rounds, but later sets might only get two.

For Time: 15 min cap 15 Power Cleans 185/135 | 155/105 | 115/85 750/600m Row 10 Power Cleans 500/400m Row 5 Power Cleans 250/200m Row

Workout – Cycling a heavy barbell today with both the cleans and the rowing being pulling movements. The weight on the barbell should be singles and challenging, but something that we can get 5 reps in a 60s time frame.