Monday, May 15th

Strength: Deadlift: 15 minutes 1×3 at 80% rest 60-90s 2×2 at 85% rest 60-90s 1×1 at 90% rest 60-90s 1 max set at 90%

Strength – we’re going to be doing 5 sets at 80-90%. First set should be a set of 3 at 80% then 2 sets of 2 at 85%, 1 set of 1 at 90%. The final set will be a max effort set to form failure, so we should see an increase in reps overall here.

3RFT (15 min cap) 400m Run 6 Wall Walk | As high as possible | Box Around the worlds Or 18 Z-Press 12 Strict Pull-Ups | Banded Strict Pull Ups | Ring Rows

Workout – a little bit of muscular fatigue today. Try and power through the wall walks as quick as possible during each rep so that you arn’t loading your shoulders for longer than needed. Strict Pull Ups break into quick, small sets knowing you can recover during the run.