Friday, May 12th

Gymnastic Strength, 4 supersets of max effort reps A1) Barbell Z-Press | DB Z-Press (pick a weight that you can get 5-10 reps per round) A2) Barbell ab rollouts | weighted plank | plank (same weight, 5-10 reps is the goal) Rest 2 minutes

Strength – gymnastic push + corel superset with a new movement, the barbell z-press. Just like the DBs, we’ll use a weighted barbell in a front rack position for our presses. This will be much harder on the core to stay upright, so if it is too challenging, perform z-presses. We should be able to get 5+ reps on each round.

For time: 16 min cap 800 Meter Run 30 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) | Step Overs | lower height 30 Toes to Bar | K2E | Knee Raise/lying leg raise 400 Meter Run 20 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) 20 Toes to Bar 200 Meter Run 10 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) 10 Toes to Bar

Workout – A descending rep scheme high cardio workout. Keep the TTB sets small enough to stay consistent and grind out the BJOs.