Monday, May 11th

Strength: Bent Over Rows + Pull Ups in 15 minutes complete 4 sets of 6-8 Bent Over Barbell Rows ***Complete max effort strict pull ups after each working set***

Strength – combining horizontal and vertical pulling today. Build in weight across your 4 sets and complete a max set of pull ups after each. For scaling, find a banded set up that you can complete 5-10 reps on your first set. You may scale further to ring rows, but know that they’ll also be in the workout.

For Time: 12 min cap 18/12/6 Ring Rows w/ feet elevated | ring rows Row Calorie Deadlifts 135/95 | 115/75 | 95/65

Workout – Ring Rows RX will have feet elevated on a bench or box, mRx feet on floor, scale can walk themselves more vertical. Deadlifts should be a weight we can go unbroken on all sets.