Tuesday, May 2nd

Strength: Single Arm DB Overhead Walking Lunge 4×50′ (10 minutes)

Strength – we’re going to demo and warm up briefly the overhead lunge, but then we’ll set a 10 minute clock in which we will perform 4 sets of 50′ overhead lunge, switching arms at the 25′ mark. Our goal here is to START with the weight we normally do in workouts (i.e. rX athletes start with 50/35lbs, mRx 35/20) and grab a slightly heavier DB each round.

For Time: 20 min cap 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 Clusters at 95/65 | 75/55 | 45/35 200m run after each round EXCEPT the last one

Workout – the strength portion was shorter today and should have us ready to squat, so we have a slightly longer time cap to perform this workout. First round is 10 clusters (squat clean into thruster), 200m run, reducing each round by 1 rep and running after all but the last round. Weight on the bar should be something we could cycle 10 reps when fresh, and our goal should not be to drop to singles at any point during this one.