Wednesday, April 26th

For Time: 30 min cap 100 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 | 35/26 | 26/18 1 Mile Run 100 Dual KB Deadlifts 53/35 | 35/26 | 26/18

Today’s workout is going to put us in an uncomfortable territory for the kettlebell swings and deadlifts: volume and monotony. We want to set out the sets we plan to hit before we go into the workout and maintain those the whole way, instead of going big and losing our grip early on. Lets push the run today while we get some blood flowing back into our forearms and repeat for the deadlifts. The time cap should come no where near being met, but is just for time management. **Note, we need to be able to perform 10 reps a minute and a 10 minute mile to hit this time cap. This should be more than doable as we should be pushing for 20+ reps a minute with the KBs, but if we arn’t sure we can hit the time cap, drop to 75 reps per movement**

KB Windmills – 3×6/arm