Thursday, April 20th

Strength: Bench Press + Tempo Single Arm DB Push Press E3MOM for 15 min (5 sets) 5 Bench Press at 75% 1RM 5 Tempo Single Arm DB Push Press/arm (3 second negative)

Strength: Standard bench press, but pairing it with single arm DB push press w/ a 3 second negative. Looking to do at least the weight we will use in the workout, if not more, but controlling the negative smoothly for the 3 seconds.

Ascending AMRAP 10 2/4/6/8/10/ect Cal Row Hand Release Push Up Dual DB Push Press 50/35 | 35/20 | 20/10

Workout – ascending AMRAP, adding 2 reps each round. Looking to stay unbroken on the push press, so break up the push ups early since it is easy to get in and out of them.