Friday, April 7th

Handstand Walk Skill Work OR HSPU skill work – 15 minutes

Skill – For those that are close, we’ll be practicing kicking up and walking for freestanding handstand walks or holds. For those not quite there, we’ll work on kicking up wall facing handstands, shifting our weight between our hands, picking up and doing shoulder taps, or walking laterally on the wall. If we’re still not there, we can work on standard handstand push up skill work for those that need it.

AMRAP 14 10 HSPU | 1-2 mats | Pike Push Ups or z-press 20 Russian KB Swings 70/53 | 53/35 | 35/26 50′ Dual DB Front Rack Walking Lunge 50/35 | 35/20 | 25/10

Workout – This will be a grinder as the movements should allow us to consistently move with minimal rest. Lets ensure we’re using our core and hip drive on those russian KBS!